Happy Friday! I got to wrap up my work early since we get a long weekend and everyone stopped working at around 3pm. I needed to wrap some minor changes up so I ended around 4pm, but I’m happy I get a long weekend because of Memorial Day!
Table of contents:
Initial inference
Looking at the word, I can safely say that either the word is a verb or a noun based on its ending, “een.” Since we can’t really break this word down into smaller chunks, maybe we’ll just have to take a guess on its meaning based on similar words like, say, “prune”:
Clean up after oneself.
Definition and Pronunciation
verb | PREEN
of a bird : to groom with the bill especially by rearranging the barbs and barbules of the feathers and by distributing oil from the uropygial gland
to dress or smooth (oneself) up : primp
to pride or congratulate (oneself) on an achievement
to make oneself sleek
to behave or speak with obvious pride or self-satisfaction
Example usage
I would use the word in a sentence as follows:
Nowadays we see adolescents on all social media just presenting their “lavish” lives and continue to preen in front of anyone and everyone.